AlarmBrand Ensures ADA Compliance for Client Websites

A few months ago, Beyoncé was sued over her website violating the Americans with disabilities act. It’s happening to alarm companies too. 

According to the article in, it’s become a cottage industry for ambulance chasers and dishonest people around the nation. And your small town (or big town – more likely) security website could be next. Besides the legal considerations, your website should provide free, easy and accessible access for everyone. Here’s how to accomplish ADA access in 5 minutes or less, if you have access to your website. Just visit the website to get the free website plugin.

At AlarmBrand, we have your back.

The bigger picture here, is…who’s got your back when it comes to managed website hosting that ensures your security website is not only up to date, safe to browse, mobile friendly, and safe from legal attack by predators who want to steal not only your identity, but your customers identities, your reputation, and your business through frivolous lawsuits?

If you are a VIP client of AlarmBrand, we’ve already taken care of this for you. We keep tabs on the latest trends so we can act without prompting, on your behalf. And if we somehow miss an important new trend that affects your website, and your business and you tell us about it – we’ll take care of it within 24 hours if not within minutes. No waiting. No support tickets that take days to resolve.

Is Your Website ADA Accessible? Here’s How To Fix The Problem.

Take a look in the lower left corner of this screen, You’ll see an ADA icon. Click on it. Problem solved. How much does it cost? Nothing. Free as free can be. Just visit the website. They have a free widget that you can install right now on your website that will make it ADA compliant within seconds.

Are You In Good Hands?

When is the last time your website marketing or website hosting company took care of a problem before you even brought it up? Can’t remember? Call and talk to us today. We stay on top of legal trends so you don’t have to.

About Us

We create websites and media for the electronic security industry that communicate your story, resonate with your audience, and generate revenue. Since 2009, brands that you know and trust have leveraged our digital marketing expertise to grow their businesses, including SDM 100, SDI Fast 50, monitoring centers, technology providers, professional corporations, and security SMB’s across the USA.

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